Vrouwen in Steden

Meer vrouwen uit Antwerpen vind je nergens!

Bekijk met 1 klik duizenden profielen op Relatieplanet.be


Date met 34 jaar uit Antwerpen

Leeftijd: 34
Provincie: Antwerpen
Gevonden op: Relatieplanet.be
Profielstatus: Actief

Profieltekst van Vrouw 34 jaar uit Antwerpen

Hey !Maybe I get to know some interesting people here. I 'm not necessarily in a hurry to find a new partner ... I find the idea that coincidence sometimes happens for a reason .... Very attractive at the moment :) For those reasons I have not a paid account, and hence I can't send you messages over the system, ....But i guess creativity always finds a way :)I love ...People who have a positive attitude in life. Positivism is so energizing!Music ... I would love hearing music suggestions from you, It's so nice to discover new things.Short and longer trips ...Nice food (Can be from anywhere), cooking (together.) Simple and genuine things and warmth.Swimming, hiking , just being outdoors: Enjoying sun .. and a lot of wind (I love driving with the car windows open.. and when its not warm enough I'd cheat and turn on the heating!) . Even rain has it's charm every now and then. Getting some fresh air , breathe deeply and calmly , snoozing , a good movie , a relaxing book , writing (making an attempt, ) animals , kids , variation, exploring and trying out things , creativity ...I am...A bit of a diesel engine : I need some time to open up to people (can be a bit shy), but once i get going I can get (over) enthusiast. Playful , serious when necessary , chaotic, loyal, independent, accountable, curious, caring, warm , discovering , easy going , cheerful ( erh... mostly) , a bit rounder than I would like. Are you ...Self confident and steadfast, someone who can make people feel at ease? Don't mind tempering me when I get overly enthusiast (Or just enjoy my enthusiasm??)Someone who doesn't take himself 100% seriously , but does like to make the best out of things ? A bit of a temperament, but with a calm disposition ? Communicative and open ? Playful and optimistic ? Undertaking ?And oh ....A little old fashioned manners and some contagious enthusiasm are things I highly appreciate :)A match for me would be...Having fun together . Having confidence and trust. Complement, surprise, challenge and stimulate each other and just bringing out the best in each other. Mental and physical intimacy. A single argument bending into something constructive. Looking forward hearing from you... And oh.. Thanks for reading :)

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Het profiel van Lilly_D hebben we gevonden op Relatieplanet.be. Profielen die we via deze website laten zien, zijn actieve profielen. Door te klikken naar het profiel en je in te schrijven kan jij met Lilly_D in contact komen.

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